February 28, 2010

Bookbag - February

Emma by Jane Austen (audio book)
So this is why people don't like the classics. Pride and Prejudice, which I finished last year, was so much better. I wish I had been reading the hard copy of Emma so I could have skipped Mrs. Bates and Mrs. Elton.

The 39 Clues, books 1-7
I like to know what the boys are reading so I can keep up with their conversations in the car.

The Bone Box by Bob Hostetler

A Child Called "It" by Dave Pelzer
There has been much talk in my circle of friends about the books our kids will be reading in middle school. I thought I would get a head start on those books while I have some time. I can't believe I haven't read this one. Heart-wrenching and inspirational. Will my then 12 year old be ready to read it? We'll see when we get there.

Helping Your Gifted Child Soar by Carol Ann Strip and Gretchen Hirsch
Nothing I hadn't already figured out by myself.

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